Knd roleplaying Wiki
Knd roleplaying Wiki

Wiki created February 23, 2010

o ya

Welcome to the Knd roleplaying Wiki
We are currently editing over 803 articles, and 995 files.


This is the place where you can create pages relating to roleplaying, fan-fiction, and original characters related to the series Codename: Kids Next Door. Please write your articles neatly so that everyone can enjoy it here!


Go to any petition websites and sign the petition for Codename: Kids Next Door season 7 right before we post anything new, please check out the List of Sectors and see whether it is taken. Check out the List of Operatives to check which ones are taken. Also, please add any if any was missing. Check spelling and grammar before someone comes and fixes it, please.

Petition for season 7:

G:KND Petitions:


-HBO Max:


Do not overuse the explanation point, and please use proper grammar. I'm going to come around, since the person who set this up hasn't come back yet.


For articles posted and what is going on today, click here.